Sunday, 24 May 2009

ARTIKEL PILIHAN -Keburukan dry cleaning@cucian kering

Apa yang saya dapati ialah cucian kering adalah cara yang membahaya dan tidak selari dengan kehendak Islam didalam aspek pencucian dan penyucian. Cucian kering di Malaysia boleh dikatakan semuanya menggunakan solvent Perchloroethylene (Perc) yang telah mula di berhentikan penggunaannya sedikit demi sedikit di Amerika dan Eropah kerana bahan ini telah terbukti membahayakan kesihatan kerana disyaki boleh menyebabkan barah, merosakkan buah pinggang, salur pernafasan dan lain lain serta mencemar alam sekitar dan udara.
Ia membahaya bukan sahaja kepada pekerja di kedai dobi malahan kepada pengguna kerana Perc tersebut akan tertinggal didalam kain setelah proses dan akan dihidu serta meresap melalui kulit pemakai baju tersebut. Ini amat berbahaya terutama kepada kaum wanita melayu yang rata-rata menggunakan baju sutera. Dari segi penyucian pula, Perc tersebut digunakan berkali-kali untuk mencuci baju dengan dikitar semula apabila mula didapati kotor, menggunakan proses distillation untuk membuang kotoran tetapi bolehkah ia digunakan semula untuk tujuan mensuci? Pengusaha pula tidak melakukan proses distillation ini pada setiap load cucian dan ini menyebabkan kotoran dari satu load cucian akan dipindahkan kepada load cucian yang baru. Saya telah menjumpai dua website yang mengatakan cucian kering didalam Islam adalah tidak menyucikan dan salah satu website tersebut mengatakan tidak sah sembahyang memakai baju yang telah di cuci kering.Saya terus membuat penyelidikan untuk mencari alternative untuk cucian kering dan alhamdullilah rupanya di Amerika dan Eropah telah meluas menggunakan kaedah 'Wet cleaning' selama 12 tahun dimana mesin khas menggunakan bahan pencuci yang khas dan air digunakan untuk mencuci sutera dan fabrik lain yang dahulunya hanya di cuci kering. Tiada apa-apa yang diguna semula atau di recycle untuk mencuci. Saya mula mencari pembekal alat tersebut dan rupanya di Malaysia sistem Wet clean ini telah mula digunakan oleh pengusaha dobi. Malangnya mereka tidak berani untuk memberitahu pengguna mengenai sistem ini dan masih 'claim' yang mereka menjalan cucian kering, mungkin kerana takut tidak diterima oleh pengguna di Malaysia padahal hasil cuciannya amat baik dan banyak kelebihan lain. Saya ingin menekankan disini bahawa sistem wet clean ini memberi lebih banyak kelebihan dari cucian kering (terlalu banyak untuk diterangkan disini, mungkin lain kali) dan hasilnya lebih baik dari cucian kering. Mungkin dahula kita tidak ada pilihan untuk mencuci baju sutera, jaket dan lain yang memerlukan cucian kering, tetapi sekarang alhamdullilah kita telah ada pilihan menggunakan sistem wet clean yang selamat dan selari dengan kehendak mensuci secara Islam. Apa yang perlu sekarang adalah mendidik pengguna tentang kebaikan sistem ini dan pengguna sepatutnya menyokong penggunaannya dan berhenti menggunakan cucian kering yang menggunakan solvent Perc. Pengusaha dobi yang menggunakan sistem wet clean telah menggunakannya tanpa sebarang masalah. Saya akan cuba bertanya kepada pembekal sistem ini senarai pengusaha Wet clean dan kita bolehlah mula menggunakan perkhidmatan ini. Saya telah memulakan perniagaan dobi saya dan menggunakan sistem wet clean ini .Saya ingin mendapatkan pendangan dari yang arif ugama dan lebih baik lagi sekiranya ada fatwa mengenai cucian kering kerana ia telah terbukti merbahayakan kesihatan dan bahan cuci Perc digunakan secara recycle dalam proses cucian kering. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai keburukan cucian kering dan kelebihan 'Wet cleaning' bolehlah menaip 'perchloroethylene dry clean' atau wet cleaning di Google. Terima kasih

Dry cleaning process


<-pic at the leftModern dry clean machine
A dry cleaning machine is similar to a combination of a domestic washing machine, and clothes dryer. Garments are placed into a washing/extraction chamber (referred to as the basket, or drum), which is the core of the machine. The washing chamber contains a horizontal, perforated drum that rotates within an outer shell. The shell holds the solvent while the rotating drum holds the garment load. The basket capacity is between about 10 and 40 kg, or 20 and 80 lb, of garments.
During the wash cycle the chamber is filled approximately 1/3 full of solvent and begins to rotate, agitating the clothing. The solvent temperature is maintained at 30 degrees celsius, as a higher temperature may damage it. During the wash cycle, the solvent in the chamber (commonly known as the 'cage')is passed through a filteration chamber and then fed back into the 'cage'. This is known as the cycle, the cycle is continued for the wash duration. The solvent is then removed and sent to a distillation unit comprising a distillation boiler and condenser. The condensed solvent in fed into a separator unit where any remaining water is separated from the solvent, it is then fed into the 'clean solvent' tank. The ideal flow rate is one gallon of solvent per pound of garments (roughly 8 litres of solvent per kilogram of garments) per minute, depending on the size of the machine.
Garments are also checked for foreign objects. Items such as plastic pens will dissolve in the solvent bath and may damage textiles beyond recovery. Some textile dyes are "loose" (red being the main culprit), and will shed dye during solvent immersion. These will not be included in a load along with lighter colored textiles to avoid color transfer. The solvent used must be distilled to remove impurities that may transfer to clothing. Garments are checked for dry-cleaning compatibility, including fasteners. Many decorative fasteners either are not dry cleaning solvent proof or will not withstand the mechanical action of cleaning. These will be removed and restitched after the cleaning, or protected with a small padded protector. Fragile items, such as feather bedspreads or tasseled rugs or hangings may be enclosed in a loose mesh bag. The density of perchloroethylene is around 1.7 g/cm³ at room temperature (70% heavier than water), and the sheer weight of absorbed solvent may cause the textile to fail under normal force during the extraction cycle unless the mesh bag provides mechanical support.
A typical wash cycle lasts for 8–15 minutes depending on the type of garments and amount of soiling. During the first three minutes, solvent-soluble soils dissolve into the perchloroethylene and loose, insoluble soil comes off. It takes approximately ten to twelve minutes after the loose soil has come off to remove the ground-in insoluble soil from garments. Machines using hydrocarbon solvents require a wash cycle of at least 25 minutes because of the much slower rate of solvation of solvent-soluble soils. A dry-cleaning surfactant "soap" may also be added.
At the end of the wash cycle, the machine starts a rinse cycle, and the garment load is rinsed with fresh distilled solvent from the pure solvent tank. This pure solvent rinse prevents discoloration caused by soil particles being absorbed back onto the garment surface from the "dirty" working solvent.
After the rinse cycle the machine begins the extraction process, which recovers dry-cleaning solvent for reuse. Modern machines recover approximately 99.99% of the solvent employed.
The extraction cycle begins by draining the solvent from the washing chamber and accelerating the basket to 350 to 450 rpm, causing much of the solvent to spin free of the fabric. When no more solvent can be spun out, the machine starts the drying cycle.
During the drying cycle, the garments are tumbled in a stream of warm air (63°C/145°F) that circulates through the basket, evaporating any traces of solvent left after the spin cycle. The air temperature is controlled to prevent heat damage to the garments. The exhausted warm air from the machine then passes through a chiller unit, where solvent vapors are condensed and returned to the distilled solvent tank. Modern dry cleaning machines use a closed-loop system where the chilled air is reheated and recirculated. This results in high solvent recovery rates and reduced air pollution. In the early days of dry cleaning, large amounts of perchlorethylene were vented to the atmosphere, because it was regarded as cheap and believed to be harmless.
After the drying cycle is complete, a deodorizing (aeration) cycle cools the garments and removes the last traces of solvent, by circulating cool outside air over the garments and then through a vapor recovery filter made from activated carbon and polymer resins. After the aeration cycle, the garments are clean and ready for pressing/finishing

Kusus Asas Dobi

i attended Kursus asas dobi organized by Mertokleen Laundry on the 23-24 May 2009.Its a very interesting,very lot i know about laundry business.i use to have one my own laundry shop at the future.picture at the left is a 10kg dryer machine,it cost around RM40 000.very important machine in laundry business.


=with only RM 80 000 you can have your laundry shop

=it very low risk business

=you can earn more than RM20 000 per month
=to study the location of laundry shop is very important,because nowdays people just drop-n-go.cari jak keday tepi jalan besar lah senang.